Time to get ready for this year’s seventh annual Horner Hustle! This 5k race or 1-mile walk occurs on August 17, 2024 at 8 am. The race will take place at Centennial Park in Park Ridge, Illinois, or virtually from wherever you choose. You can register for either the in-person or virtual event and have your family and loved ones join you in the fight to end pancreatic cancer! This year, we will give bib boards to all registered participants at the race and after the event to those who participate virtually.
Before the Hustle race day, head on over to Sketchbook Brewing, 4901 Main Street Skokie, IL for Big Stu’s Family Barbecue! This charity event is a family-friendly barbecue that started in 2019 in honor of Stu Lapidus. This event will take place on August 10th from 12 pm to 7 pm. Expect to eat some delicious barbeque with a food truck from Hofherr Meats and a pizza truck from Grateful Bites. Be prepared to play fun lawn games, auction off a variety of cool prizes, and have a great time being around a strong community fighting a great cause.

Mike Horner’s Hustle
The Horner Hustle run began in 2017 by Kathleen Dunne Balducci in remembrance of her brother-in-law, Mike Horner. Mike was only 45 when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, sadly passing away just nine months later. The loving husband and father left his family and loved ones heartbroken.
Mike Horner began experiencing severe pain in his abdominals back in December 2015. His discomfort was enough to take him to his primary doctor, who believed Mike had ulcers brought on by life stressors. However, his condition continued to decline, and after a visit to the emergency room, he received a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Mike’s wife, Heather Horner, highlights his strength as she states, “He got up every morning with Mary Helen no matter how badly he felt. He probably faked it much more than we ever knew.” The cancer spread to his liver and his treatments were not helping, resulting in his passing of pancreatic cancer.
Shortly after Mike’s passing, Kathleen found Project Purple and began getting involved along with her family and friends to honor Mike’s hard battle. Running for Project Purple became the bandage Kathleen and her sister needed to mend their family’s heartbreak. Kathleen states, “As part of Heather’s promise to Mike, she is committed to teaching their daughter Mary Helen the power of family, friends, and community.” Kathleen is currently an Executive Board Member for Project Purple, where she continues to work hard raising awareness and funds for pancreatic cancer research and early detection.
All funds raised from this race will go directly to Project Purple for pancreatic cancer research on early detection and patient financial aid. Last year participants both in-person and virtual raised about $25,000 for the organization! This event is tremendously important to Katheleen and her family as it not only honors Mike’s life but creates change for research and aid for other families suffering from the awful disease.
If you are interested in registering or want more information, visit https://raceroster.com/events/2024/85312/horner-hustle-2024.

Stu’s Legacy
Stu Lapidus sadly passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2018. Known as “Big Stu” for his larger-than-life personality, he was always there for the ones he loved. As a way to honor and remember his life and battle with the deadly disease, the Lapidus family started the Big Stu’s Family Barbecue tradition. David Lapidus, Stu’s son, chose this event because his father had a deep love for barbecuing, and shared that with him throughout his upbringing as a way to bond together.
The Lapidus family partnered with Project Purple after Stu passed and started working to support patients and their loved ones. David states, “I didn’t want other families to have to go through what my family did, which is why I reached out to Project Purple.” David and his family made it their mission to raise awareness and funds for patient care as they don’t want anyone going through this horrible disease to fight their battle alone.
Back in 2019, the event started as a barbecue cooking competition. However, once COVID-19 hit, David and his wife, Sara, went virtual for the event and knew they had to make some changes. They wanted to make sure the event had something for everyone in the years to come. After the pandemic, the couple reached out to Sketchbook Brewery, located in Skokie Illinois, where they were able to hold food and ice cream trucks, games, and drinks for the event. This change was a big success and continues to be as this year will be the fifth anniversary of the Big Stu’s Family Barbecue!
Visit Big Stu’s Barbeque online auction by texting “bigstus” to 76278 (SMART) or go to bigstus.givesmart.com. You will have the ability to view all items on the site before bidding starts on August 10th at 12 pm.
If you would like to donate to Big Stu’s fundraiser, visit https://donate.projectpurple.org/campaign/big-stus-barbecue-2024/c573745