The scariest moment of my life was learning I had pancreatic cancer. The second scariest moment of my life was figuring out how to pay for surgery and chemotherapy to save my life. Trying to put a price tag on my own life was agonizing and something I would not wish on anyone. No patient should be in that position. This is why today, on Giving Tuesday, I am asking you to please make a contribution to Project Purple’s 2018 Patient Financial Aid (PFA) program.
I found Project Purple shortly after completing my treatments for pancreatic cancer, but I sure wish I knew about the organization sooner! Personally, I am so relieved to know there is a charity providing economic help for patients and their families at the time when they need it most. The Patient Financial Aid program is a huge part of why I am so proud to support Project Purple. While the program is still relatively new, the impact it has already made on patients’ lives is tremendous.

Largest Provider of Patient Financial Aid
In 2017, thanks to your support Project Purple became the largest source of patient financial aid for pancreatic cancer patients. This year alone, we have already distributed $100,000 to 100 patients. Your donations have helped to cover mortgage and rental payments so patients could stay in their homes. You have helped keep the electricity turned on for patients who could not cover the cost of their treatment and their utility bills. You have helped pay car payments so patients could get themselves to and from their chemotherapy treatments.

More Patients in Need than Ever
Despite your generosity, Project Purple has seen a marked increase in the number of applications for Patient Financial Aid. The number of people who need help far exceeds the resources we currently have available. Many of those with pancreatic cancer are unable to work as a result of their illness. This loss of income during illness has devastating consequences for so many patients. We at Project Purple do not want to turn away any qualifying pancreatic cancer patient who is in need of assistance. Please help us help those who are battling the most deadly cancer on the planet.

With pancreatic cancer diagnoses on the rise, we anticipate the need for Patient Financial Aid will continue to grow in 2018.

The Gift of Economic Security
This holiday season, give a pancreatic cancer fighter the gift of economic security. As we kick off the fundraising campaign for the 2018 Patient Financial Aid fund this Giving Tuesday, we want you to know that 100% of your donation will go directly towards helping those who are currently fighting pancreatic cancer. Your tax-deductible donation will go directly towards helping patients as they battle for their lives.

Make your contribution today! Ask your friends to lend their support, too. Finally, please ask your employer to match your contribution. For more information about this campaign, click the Donate button on the top of this Crowdrise page.